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Transition Services

Transition Service activities help prepare a student for postsecondary education or training, employment, and the additional responsibilities/challenges of adulthood that come after the completion of high school.  


Monroe County Schools begin the process of Transition planning as an integral part of the IEP development for students as they reach the age of 14. Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals are written based on data collected through transition assessments related to training, education, employment, and daily living skills. Transition services, including courses of study, are developed according to the student’s interests, dreams, preferences, and abilities. Post-secondary goals are written to reflect the skills the student will need in order to achieve his/her goals. 


At the high school level, eligible students may have access to the Work-Based Learning (WBL) program for students with disabilities. This program operates in several sites - businesses and non-profits - located throughout Monroe County.  At WBL placements, students experience supervised work-related learning activities in a variety of settings to develop skills relevant to future employment. WBL also helps young adults understand their need for workplace accommodation and gives them the confidence to request those needed accommodations.


Monroe County's Transition Services Program strives to give all students with disabilities instruction and/or experiences with:


  • Job Skills
  • Community Involvement
  • Self-advocacy
  • Social Skills
  • Appropriate Work Behavior
  • Independent Living Skills
  • And much more!
Phoebe Ryans
Transition Services Coordinator

Phoebe Ryans serves as the Transition Services Coordinator for Monroe County Schools.  Ms. Ryans provides program planning, oversight, and consultation services related to transition at all high schools and middle schools in Monroe County.  She can be reached at [email protected]