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Requesting Exceptional Education Records



In keeping with the Tennessee Department of Education Records Retention Schedule (Reference number CTAS-2056) the Monroe County Schools’ Psychological Services Office Staff will begin to review and purge all special education records of all special educations students who were born between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 1998. The District will maintain the files of all current and former students who were born on or after January 1, 1999, until those individuals reach the age of 25 years. Thereafter, special education records will be similarly reviewed each school year. This notice of records to be purged applies only to Monroe County Schools’ Special Education Records.


The official administrative records that constitute the minimum personal identifying data necessary for the operation of the education system (such as student’s name, parent’s or guardian’s name, student’s birth date, academic work completed, level of achievement, including grades and standardized achievement test scores and attendance data) will be maintained at the student's high school or Central Office.


Consequently, the District invites all former students to request their records before they are purged. The purging of all special education records of students who were born between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 1998, will begin in May 2024. Therefore, if you wish to obtain these records, please send a request that includes all of the information listed below before May 1, 2024. The request should be forwarded to:


Trey Ferguson, Executive Director of Exceptional Education

205 Oak Grove Road

Madisonville, TN  37354


Email: [email protected]


Please include the following information in your records request:


Statement of Intent: My date of birth is between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 1998, and I wish to obtain my special education records.



Date of Birth:


Daytime Telephone:                                                         

Evening Telephone:

Year of Graduation:                                                           

Monroe County School Last Attended:


Proper identification (including name and date of birth (i.e. driver’s license) will be required before materials are released. Copies of records shall be provided by the district, but applicable fees may apply. You will be contacted when your records are ready for pick up.