When Will the Provider Be At My Child's School?
See when our provider will be at your child's school:
Monday Tellico Plains High 8a-12p
Tuesday Sequoyah High 8a-12p
Wednesday Madisonville Intermediate 8a-12p and Madisonville Primary 1p-3p
Thursday Tellico Plains Junior High 8a-12p and Tellico Plains Elementary 1p-3p
Friday Vonore Elementary 8a-12p and Madisonville Middle School 1p-2p
Please contact your school clinic to schedule an appointment. If the provider isn't available at your particular school on the day needed, Telehealth visits are also available. Telehealth visits are available EVERYDAY at ALL schools from 8a-2p.
Please contact Jackie Gray, School Health Administrator, with any questions.
Telephone: (423) 420-9678 xtn. 2012
Email: [email protected]