Departments & Academics » School Health » Meet our School Nurses

Meet our School Nurses

Amber Brookshire, RN
Meet Nurse Amber, she is the Registered Nurse at Madisonville Primary School.  She has fourteen years of nursing experience, five of which have been with School Health.  
Madisonville Primary School's Telephone Number: (423) 442-2236
                                                            Candice Burk, RN
Meet Nurse Candi, she is the Registered Nurse at Vonore Middle School.  She has been in nursing for nineteen years.  Her favorite thing about working in the schools is being able to make a difference in the students lives.  
Vonore Middle School's Telephone Number: (423) 884-2730
                                                        Jessica Carroll, RN
Meet Nurse Jessica, she is the Registered Nurse at Madisonville Intermediate School.  She has fourteen years of nursing experience.  She loves the relationships she gets to form with the kids.  
Madisonville Intermediate School's Telephone Number: (423) 442-3994
Michael Dalton, RN
Meet Nurse Michael, she is new to School Health in 2024.  Michael comes to us with years of experience as an EMT and Paramedic.  In 2021, she graduated from TWU with her nursing degree.  Please help us welcome Michael to our team!
Ashley Davis, RN
Meet Nurse Ashley, she will be floating among the Madisonville clinics.  Ashley has a previous background in school health with Monroe County Schools and we are excited to welcome her back!
Jessica Ervin, LPN
Meet Nurse Jessica, she is one of our float nurses in the Tellico area clinics.  She has been a nurse for eleven years and is currently pursuing becoming a Registered Nurse.  She enjoys getting to know the students and doing what she can to help them.  Jessica tries to make a positive impact on their day.  
Celena Garren, RN
Meet Nurse Celena, she is the Registered Nurse at Madisonville Middle School.  She has fifteen years of nursing experience.  Her favorite part about her job is helping children feel better and being able to educate them on wellness.  
Madisonville Middle School's Telephone Number:  (423) 442-4137
Amy Gregory, RN
Meet Nurse Amy, she is a Registered Nurse at Tellico Plains High School.  She has been in healthcare for twenty-three years and with School Health since 2012.  Amy loves working with the children in her community.  She finds it rewarding when she sees current and former students outside of school and they give her a big smile.  
Tellico Plains High School's Telephone Number: (423) 253-2530
Samantha Hackney, RN
Meet Nurse Samantha, she is a float nurse in our Madisonville schools.  Samantha comes to us with almost 20 years of experience and joined our team in 2023. 
Tiffany Hamilton, LPN
Meet Nurse Tiffany, she is the nurse at Rural Vale School.  Tiffany came to School Health in 2021.
Rural Vale's Telephone Number: (423) 253-3551.
Annie Hunt, RN
Meet Nurse Annie, she is a Registered Nurse at Vonore Elementary School.  Annie has been a nurse for forty-two years.  She loves being able to deal with younger students.
Vonore Elementary School's Telephone Number: (423) 884-6485
Carla Hunt, RN
Meet Nurse Carla, she is a Registered Nurse that floats amongst the Tellico area schools.  She has been a nurse for twenty-eight years and with School Health for fifteen years.  She says being around young people keeps her heart young. 

Jennifer Jenkins, RN
Meet Nurse Jennifer,  she is the Registered Nurse at Sequoyah High School.  She has been in nursing for twenty-seven years and is a former army nurse. She has been in School Health for 18 years and has experience in emergency, family and pediatric nursing.
Sequoyah High School's Telephone Number:  (423) 442-9230
Hanna McDaniel, LPN
Meet Nurse Hanna, she is a float nurse in both our Madisonville and Tellico area schools.  Hanna previously worked in the community health setting as well as Orthopedics. Hanna has been with School Health since 2021.
Connie Moore, RN
 Meet Nurse Connie, Registered Nurse.  She was with School Health for twelve years and a nurse for a total of 39 years prior to retiring in 2024.  Connie's favorite part about her position is that every day is different and she loves being around the students.
Amanda Williams, RN
Meet Nurse Amanda, she is the Registered Nurse at Sweetwater High  School.  She has been a nurse for 27 years and served in our school based clinics for a total of 22 years.  Amanda loves seeing her students and getting to watch them grow up!
Sweetwater High School's Telephone Number: (423) 337-7881
                                                          Deidre Young, RN
Meet Nurse Deidre, she is a float nurse in our Madisonville clinics.  Deidre previously worked at East Tennessee Children's Hospital prior to coming to joining our team in 2016.  
Rachael Wilson, RN
Meet Nurse Rachael, she is the Registered Nurse at Tellico Plains Elementary School.  Rachael previously worked at ETCH and joined Coordinated School Health in 2022.  
Tellico Plains Elementary School Telephone Number:   (423) 253-2626