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Word Study Resources

Click the green links to access the word study.
Stage 2A:
Week 1: BSM:  
Stage 3A:  Click the word sort name to access the cards. The words with asterisks (*) are header cards.  Pull those cards to the top to create columns.  Sort the other words into the correct column.
Short A sort:   Click, "Short A sort" to access the word sort at  
Short I sort:  Click, "Short I sort" to access the word sort at  
​- Short O sort: Click, "Short O sort" to access the word sort at  
Short U sort: Click, "Short U sort" to access the word sort at  
Short E sort: Click, "Short E sort" to access the word sort at  
Stage 3B
Short Vowel Review:  Click "Short Vowel Review" ​to access the word sort at  
Stage 4
A pattern sort: Click "A pattern sort" to access the word sort at  
I pattern sort: Click "I pattern sort" to access the word sort at  
O pattern sort - #1: Click "O pattern sort-#1" to access the word sort at  
O pattern sort - #2: Click "O pattern sort"-#2 to access the word sort at  
- U pattern sort: Click "U pattern sort" to access the word sort at  
E pattern sort: Click "E pattern sort" to access the word sort at  
Stage 5A
A pattern sort: Click "A pattern sort" to access the word sort at
I pattern sort: Click "I pattern sort" to access the word sort at
O pattern sort #1: Click "O pattern sort #1" to access the word sort at
- O pattern sort #2: Click "O pattern sort #2" to access the word sort at
E pattern sort: Click "E pattern sort" to access the word sort at
Stage 5B
Contractions Word Sort:  Click "Contractions Word Sort" to access the word sort.  The cards with asterisks (*) are header cards.  Pull those cards to the top to create columns.  Sort the words beneath the word that has been added to it: Example he's = he is, so it goes beneath "is".
Prefixes (pre-, re-, un-):  Click" Prefixes (Pre-, re-, un-)" to access the word sort.  The cards with asterisks (*) are header cards.  Pull those cards to the top to create columns.  Sort the words beneath the prefix that has been added.  Try to figure out the meaning of the prefix.  How does it change the meaning of the words?
Plural Spelling Changes Sort: Click "Plural Spelling Changes Sort". Drag the cards with asterisks (*) to the top of a column.  Drag the other cards to column that describes its spelling change.
Homophone Sort 1:  Click "Homophone Sort 1" to access the word sort.  In each square, drag the homophones.  Drag the definition (blue cards) to match each word.  Place it under the word that it defines. 
Homophones Matching Game #1: Click "Homophones Matching Game #1" to access the game.  Click a card. Try to find its definition.  If the match is correct, a green light will surround it. (A red light will show if incorrect.). Click on another card to continue.
Homophone Sort 2: Click "Homophone Sort 2" to access the word sort.  In each square, drag the homophones.  Drag the definition (blue cards) to match each word.  Place it under the word that it defines. 
-Homophone Matching Game #2: Click "Homophones Matching Game #2" to access the game.  Click a card. Try to find its definition.  If the match is correct, a green light will surround it. (A red light will show if incorrect.). Click on another card to continue.
Compound Word Sort: Click "Compound Word Sort" to access the word sort.  Drag the words with asterisks (*) to the top of each column.  These cards indicate how many compound words can be created.  The header cards can be combined with the other cards to create compound words. Drag each word beneath the "header" that can be combined with it to make a new compound word. Write the new word.  Ex: any (header card) + one = anyone.

Intervention Level 1:  
Look at the word cards.  What spelling/sound patterns can you see?  Drag the cards that fit the same spelling/sound pattern into a column. There should be a column per pattern. (Hint:  There are 3-5 patterns.)
A pattern sort: Click "A pattern sort" to access the word sort at  (closed syllable- short a; a-c-e - long a; r-controlled syllable - ar; ay- long a)4 patterns
I pattern sort: Click "I pattern sort" to access the word sort at (closed syllable- short i;  i-c-e - long i; r-controlled syllable - ir; Wild Colt rule - long i)4 patterns
O pattern sort#1: Click "O pattern sort #1" to access the word sort at  (closed syllable- short o, o-c-e - long o; r-controlled vowels - or; 0a - long o; wild colt rule- long o) 5 patterns
- O pattern sort #2: Click "O pattern sort #2" to access the word sort at 2 sounds like book and food; ow makes two sounds/ou/ and long o; OU says/ou/) 5 sounds
U pattern sort: Click "U pattern sort" to access the word sort at   (closed syllable- short u; u-c-e - long u; r-controlled syllable - ur) 3 patterns
- E pattern sort: Click "E pattern sort" to access the word sort at (closed syllable- short e: ee- long e; ea says short e & long e; ew says /oo/) 5 patterns
R-Controlled Vowel Sort: Click "R-Controlled Vowel Sort" to access the word sort at (5 patterns)

Intervention Level 2: 
Look at the word cards.  What spelling/sound patterns can you see?  Drag the cards that fit the same spelling/sound pattern into a column. There should be a column per pattern. (Hint:  There are 3-5 patterns.)
-A pattern sort: Click "A pattern sort" to access the word sort at  (ai says long a; aw says short o; are says air; au/augh says short o) 4 patterns
I pattern sort: Click "I pattern sort" to access the word sort at  (igh says long i; ie says long e; y says long i) 3 patterns
O pattern sort #1: Click "O pattern sort #1" to access the word sort at  (wild colt rule - long o; oar says or; oy says /oi/) 4 patterns
O pattern sort #2: Click "O pattern sort #2" to access the word sort at says /oo/; ow says long o and /ow/;  ou says /ow/ and long /oo/) 5 patterns
U pattern sort: Click "U pattern sort" to access the word sort at  (ui says long u and short i; ue says long u) 3 patterns
-E pattern sort: Click "E pattern sort" to access the word sort at (eigh says long a; ey says long a; ea says long e; and short e) 4 patterns
R-Controlled Vowel Sort: Click "R-Controlled Vowel Sort" to access the word sort at (air, ore, oar, ear - long vowel sounds) 4 patterns
- Hard and Soft C & G: Click "Hard and Soft C & G" to access the word sort at 

​Intervention Level 3: 
​ - Contractions Word Sort:  Click "Contractions Word Sort" to access the word sort.  The cards with asterisks (*) are header cards.  Pull those cards to the top to create columns.  Sort the words beneath the word that has been added to it: Example he's = he is, so it goes beneath "is".
Homophone Sort 1: Click "Homophone Sort 1" to access the word sort.  Drag the word to one column and its definition across from it in the other column. 
- Homophones Matching Game #1: Click "Homophones Matching Game #1" to access the game.  Click a card. Try to find its definition.  If the match is correct, a green light will surround it. (A red light will show if incorrect.). Click on another card to continue.
 Homophone Sort 2: Click "Homophone Sort 2" to access the word sort.  In each square, drag the homophones.  Drag the definition (blue cards) to match each word.  Place it under the word that it defines. 
-Homophone Matching Game #2: Click "Homophones Matching Game #2" to access the game.  Click a card. Try to find its definition.  If the match is correct, a green light will surround it. (A red light will show if incorrect.). Click on another card to continue.
Compound Word Sort:  Build compound words by dragging one half of the compound word to one side and another word to the other side.  Write the word that it makes.  (Ex: wheel - chair = wheelchair)
 - Plural Spelling Changes Sort: Click "Plural Spelling Changes Sort". Drag the cards with asterisks (*) to the top of a column.  Drag the other cards to column that describes its spelling change.
Prefixes (pre-, re-, un-, dis-):  Click" Prefixes (Pre-, re-, un-, dis-)" to access the word sort.  The cards with asterisks (*) are header cards.  Pull those cards to the top to create columns.  Sort the words beneath the prefix that has been added.  Try to figure out the meaning of the prefix.  How does it change the meaning of the words?
Suffixes (-er, -est) Spelling Changes: Click "Suffixes (-er,-est) Spelling Changes" to access the word sort.  Drag the cards with asterisks (*) to the top of each column.  Sort the other cards by spelling changes.  Review spelling change rules.
Evolving Reader Year 1 Cycle 1:

 - Plural Spelling Changes Sort: Click "Plural Spelling Changes Sort" to access the word sort. What spelling patterns can you see?  Drag the cards that share the same spelling patterns to a column.
- Past Tense Spelling Changes: Click "Past Tense Spelling Changes" to access the word sort.  What spelling patterns can you see? Drag the cards that share the same spelling patterns to a column.
Sounds of -ed: Click "Sounds of -ed" to access the word sort.  Say the words.  Sort them by the sounds ed makes at the end of each word. (Hint: There are three sounds.)
- Contractions
: Click "Contractions" to access the word sort.  What words have been added to the base words to make the contractions. Sort the words based on the word that has been added.
Prefixes (dis-, mis-, un-):  Click "Prefixes (dis-, mis-, un-)" to access the word sort.  Sort the words by their prefixes.
Prefixes (dis-, mis-, un- Making Words):  Click "Prefixes (dis-, mis-, un- Making Words)" to access the word sort.  Use the prefixes and base words to create words within each column by prefix. (Ex: un - happy)
- Compound Words (with over, under, up, & down):  Click "Compound Words" to access the word sort, Sort the words by the common words found in the compound words.
Suffix -ing Spelling Changes:  Click "Suffix -ing Spelling Changes" to access the word sort.  Sort the words based on shared spelling changes.
Derivational Suffixes (-hood, -ment, -ness):  Click "Derivational Suffixes" to access the word sort.  Sort the words by the suffix that has been added to them.
Evolving Reader Year 1 Cycle 2:
Compound Words: (any, every, grand, water) Click "Compound Words" to access the word sort.  Sort by common word parts.
R-Controlled Vowels (Spellings of /ur/):  Click "R-Controlled Vowels" to access the word sort. Sort the words by the spelling pattern that says /ur/.(3 patterns)
Ambiguous Vowel Patterns (/oi/, /ou/): Click "Ambiguous Vowel Patterns" to access the word sort.  Drag the sound cards with asterisks (*) to the top of each column. Sort the cards by the spellings of /oi/ and /ou/. Place /oi/ spellings on one side & /ou/ spellings on the other.  Group each spelling pattern in a box together.
Ambiguous Vowel Patterns (spellings of /aw/):  Click "Ambiguous Vowel Patterns" to access the word sort.  Sort the cards by the /aw/ spelling patterns.
Closed Syllable Words (Multi-syllabic):  Click "Close Syllable Words" to access the word sort. Drag the header cards with asterisks (*) to the top to form columns. Sort the words by the vowel sound that you hear in the first syllable.  (5 columns)
Open Syllable Words (Multi-syllabic):  Click "Open Syllable Words" to access the word sort. Drag the header cards with asterisks (*) to the top to form columns.Sort the words by the vowel sound that you hear in the first syllable.
Vowel Team Syllables: Click "Vowel Team Syllables" to access the word sort. Sort words by the vowel teams. (5 vowel teams)
R-Controlled Vowel Syllables: Click "R-Controlled Vowel Syllables" to access the word sort.  Sort words by r-controlled vowels. (5 r-controlled vowel patterns)
Consonant - le Syllables: Click "Consonant - le Syllables" to access the word sort.  Sort words by the consonant -le pattern in each word. This sort has "tall letters" + le. 

Evolving Reader Year 1 Cycle 3:
Prefixes in-, pre-, re-Click "Prefixes in-, pre-, re-" to access the word sort.
- Ambiguous Vowels (/ew/ & short and long /oo/): Click "Ambiguous Vowels" to access the word sort.
Contractions: Click "Contractions" to access the word sort.

- Homophones 1: Click "Homophones" to access the word sort
Homophones 1 Matching Game
Homophones 2: Click "Homophones" to access the word sort
Homophones 2 Matching Game: 

R-Controlled Vowels (air, ar, are)Click "R-Controlled Vowels" to access the word sort.
R-Controlled Vowels (ear, eer, er, ere):  Click "R-Controlled Vowels" to access the word sort.
- R-Controlled Vowels (ire, ir): Click "R-Controlled Vowels" to access the word sort.

R-Controlled Vowels (oar, or, ore, our): Click "R-Controlled Vowels" to access the word sort.