Monroe County Schools Academics
Textbook Information
State Textbook Services
Tennessee Department of Education Textbooks & Instructional Services
Tennessee Department of Education Textbooks & Instructional Services
Official State Adoption Results
List of All Adopted Textbooks (for each section for each district)
List of All Adopted Textbooks (for each section for each district)
State Textbook Depository
Print materials may be viewed at the Central Office by setting up an appointment with Shauna Bowers, PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction Director, by calling (423) 442-2373 or emailing [email protected]
Curriculum for Grades K-5
Reading / English Language Arts

Benchmark Aligned Tennessee State Standards
Social Studies Grades 3-5
Science Grades 3-5

Behavioral Health Grades K-5
Life Skills Grade 5

Curriculum for Grades 6-8
Reading/English Language Arts
Social Studies
Curriculum for Grades 9-12
Reading/English Language Arts
US History & Geography
Physical Science & Biology I
Chemistry I
Biology II, Chemistry II, and Anatomy & Physiology
Wellness Grade 9

Textbook Information
State Textbook Services
Information on textbooks from the Tennessee Department of Education
Information on textbooks from the Tennessee Department of Education
Official State Adoption Results
Lists of all adopted textbook for each section for each district
Lists of all adopted textbook for each section for each district
State Textbook Depository
Print materials may be viewed at the Central Office by setting up an appointment with Shauna Bowers, PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction Director, by calling (423) 442-2373 or emailing [email protected].
CTE Textbooks & Supplemental Materials
Welding 1 and 2: Principles and Applications of Welding.
Health Science: Diversified Health Occupations, 6th Edition. Cengage.
Anatomy & Physiology: Essentials of Human Anatomy, 12th Edition. Pearson.
Medical Therapeutics: Nursing Assistant, 9th Ed. Delmar.
Agriscience: AgriScience, 4th Ed. Pearson.
Small Animal Science: Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals, Revised 3rd Ed. Pearson.
Large Animal Science: Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals, Revised 3rd Ed. Pearson.
Vet Science: Introduction to Livestock and Companion Animals, Revised 3rd Ed. Pearson.
Principles of Plant Science and Hydroculture: Landscaping and Turf Science: Intro to Horticulture.
Principles of Agricultural Mechanics: Agricultural Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications.
Statewide Dual Credit Introduction to Business. Free Introduction to Business Digital Textbook.
Supplemental Material:
Digital ICEV: iCEV
Digital AgEdNet: AgEdNet